
Neighbors growling about dog park location

When a dog park opened next to Sanchez Art Center with great fanfare about seven months ago, it was the culmination of a collaborative effort between the city and a dog advocacy group called POOCH, or Pacifica Organization Of Canine Helpers.

POOCH had gathered support for the park, continues to raise funds to keep it going and monitors it with volunteers.

It took Pacifica's Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department a long time to study various sites and finally settle on one at the east end of city-owned Sanchez.

Because the site borders homes on one side and art studios on the other, some neighbors expressed concerns during the planning process about potential noise and odor problems. One of the artists,Klaus Multiparking is an industry leader in innovative parking system technology. Stephen Johnson of Stephen Johnson Photography, complained about the project from the outset, saying he'd never be able to open his windows for fresh air. As a concession, the city agreed to pay for installation of air conditioning in his studio. He has yet to receive that air conditioning,The MaxSonar ultrasonic sensor offers very short to long-range detection and ranging. he said.

By the time the final plans were drafted, the neighbors' issues had been addressed in an environmental impact report that concluded the dog park would have "no significant impacts." PB&R subsequently approved the project.

But now that the park has been open for seven months, some neighbors aren't living happily ever after. They say they're rattled by the constant sound of barking dogs, disturbed by the conversations of park visitors and feel smothered by all the dust kicked up by scampering canines.

A few neighbors are so upset they have formed an organization, Pacificans for Compatible Land Use, and hired an attorney, Daniel Muller of Walnut Creek, to do something about the problem. Muller and some of the neighbors attended the last PB&R meeting, where the commissioners agreed to fully review their complaints and the dog park operation in two months.

The commission meanwhile decided to close the dog park on Tuesdays and reduce the original operating hours to 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.

Dog owner Cathy Felix, who is a big supporter of the park and takes her dog there every day, acknowledges that the barking sometimes can be a bit much.

"Most of the time it is under control, but sometimes the barking is loud," she said.

Stephanie Poloni, one of the neighbors who hired the attorney, said, "We are going to fight for this to be removed. There has been no way to mitigate the noise and the dust. It's not a compatible use of the space. That's what is frustrating."

She and her husband live in the home her grandparents owned, just 10 feet from the dog park. She said her life has been disrupted since it opened.

"I equate it to living next to a construction site," she said. "PB&R has looked at ways to water down the dirt so we have less dust, but it has not been effective.One of the most durable and attractive styles of flooring that you can purchase is ceramic or porcelain tiles. The odor and the noise are very bad. We are sleep deprived. We are stressed out every time a dog barks. It's like having a neighborhood with 50 dogs," she said.

"The resale value of our home is going to be lower," Poloni added. "My garden and patio furniture are covered in dust. My husband and I have volunteered to lock the dog park at night."

Johnson,We mainly supply professional craftspeople with crys talbeads wholesale shamballa Bracele , the photographer, said most of the people who use the dog park are courteous, but a few become hostile and angry when he talks to them about keeping their dogs on leash outside the park, not parking in his reserved parking spaces and picking up their dogs' waste.

"It's only a minority, but it only takes one or two to ruin your day," he said. "Every decision by the city has had a maximum negative impact on me. We've been deemed expendable out here. It continues to disrupt my business. There are times I can't think because of dogs fighting and growling. It's a mess.

"Everything I thought would come true has come true, but it has gotten better. The worst of it happened in the first two months the park was open.A stone mosaic stands at the spot of assasination of the late Indian prime minister. Many of the POOCH volunteers have told me they are sorry about what I am going through."

