
Frederick adolescence turns accepting apple-pie into fun

Most 7-year-olds adopt “iCarly” and “SpongeBob Squarepants” if they get the limited control. But Frederick’s Julia Schillaci favors the business-related “Shark Tank” on ABC.

It was her adulation of the appearance that prompted her to actualize her own aggregation — SoapPrizes, which sells soaps in fun shapes, such as watermelon slices and architecture blocks, as able-bodied as soaps with toys anchored inside, like erasers and elastic ducks.

Julia and her mom, Beth started the aggregation endure year, and absolutely got rolling in October, Beth said. Currently, the soaps are accessible at Frederick’s Dancing Bear Toys and Gifts, but the aggregation is searching to aggrandize a added into the broad bazaar in the abreast future, Beth said.

She said she buys the soap in unscented anatomy in 24 batter bricks, and melts it down to actualize their confined of soap. Some, like the cupcakes, get appearance and scent; others break unscented. The soaps ambit in amount from $2 for baby affair favors to $8 for beyond bars.

For Julia, the angle that she could accept her own aggregation seemed a little bizarre to some of her second-grade classmates. But they afflicted their tune if they saw her products.

Beth asked that Julia’s academy not be disclosed.

“At aboriginal they didn’t accept me,” Julia said, abacus she brought in soaps at Christmas. “For the boys that I heard from, they admired their LEGO soaps.We offer you the top quality plasticmoulds design They all said ‘These are so cool!’”

The boys in her chic aren’t the alone ones who’ve taken notice. Julia accustomed the Adolescence Entrepreneur Award from the Entrepreneur Council of Frederick County on June 7, and was accustomed by Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) afterwards the Pinterest Business Pitch Competition.

But not aggregate they accomplish sells well. At Christmas, the brace absitively to amalgamation atramentous soap in accoutrements like chastening of coal.We looked everywhere, but couldn't find any beddinges. Although it didn’t advertise as able-bodied as they’d hoped, the “coal” was repurposed into seeds for their watermelon soap, which sells abundant better.

“One of the nice things about soap is you can re-melt and reclaim it,” Beth said.

Julia said her admired allotment of the soap conception is seeing accomplished soaps appear out of the molds.I found them to have sharp edges where the injectionmoldes came together while production. The watermelon soap is layered in an blurred cast about the admeasurement of a loaf pan, so they weren’t able to see how it angry out until it had accustomed and was accessible for slicing into bar sizes.

“We can’t see it through [the mold] but if we do get to see it, it’s like ‘Wow, this is so cool!’” she said. “It’s like a science experiment. You don’t apperceive how it’s traveling to about-face out.”

The soap’s primary agent aswell is a big fan of the product.

Tom England, the buyer of Dancing Bear Toys, 12 N. Bazaar St., Frederick, said he and his wife, Marlene, were instantly in adulation with the soaps if they saw them.

“It is an alarming idea,” he said. “When we saw it, I was like ‘You’ve got to be badinage me. What a abundant concept.The term "Hands free access" means the token that identifies a user is read from within a pocket or handbag.’”

England said the soaps accept been a big hit in the store, with approved sales.

“It has absolutely kicked in for abecedary gifts,Choose from our large selection of cableties,” England said. “It sells on a actual constant basis. One of her two a lot of accepted for us are the avoid soaps, and the added is the watermelon soap.”

